It All Starts With Purpose
We believe every organization performs at its best when the management team understands its purpose, mission, vision, and how its core competencies uniquely meet a market pain or need. It is only after this alignment that profit-enhancing competitive strategies can lead to success. Every Emerge Dynamics engagement is executed with this approach at its core.
Our VERITAS Values
Hear Our Values ExplainedWhy We Exist
We believe:
- business owners have a unique vocation: deliver meaningful impact to society by operating in a principled and profitable manner
- work is meant to harness human talent and physical resource for the glory of God and the good of others.
- business leaders' calling includes ensuring enterprises they run operate according to a unique set of values:
--Meet the needs of the world through the creation of principled products and services
--Foster the special dignity of human work by providing employees opportunities to exercise their God-given talents as they contribute to the mission of the organization
--Steward resources (human, financial, environmental) to maintain and improve the communities in which their companies operation
--Provide shareholders witha competitive return to ensure their companies can contribut to the material and spiritual wellbeing of society.
Our Vision
Our vision is of a world in which all businesses reach their fullest potential and become the best version of themselves.
Businesses do this by:
- Creating an engaging environment where all employees live the company mission and vision to build their community by serving their customers in their own unique way.
- Understanding that all proper profits and returns on investment come only from improving customers’ lives by delivering products and services to them at better prices and/or higher quality than they could have had on their own.
- Understanding the assets invested in their business and how to deploy them to maximize returns.
- Embarking on a quest of value maximization by:
- maturing the organization (reducing company specific risk),
- refining product offerings to those that create a differentiated competitive advantage,
- implementing scale-able business processes,
- increasing team alignment, and
- building a methodical road map of organic or acquisition growth.
- Being ready, when the time comes for ownership transition, to do so in a way that maximizes wealth to the selling owner, rewards employees for their participation in creating that value, and allows a buyer to realize the full value that has been built within the organization.

Business Value Acceleration
We call ourselves Business Value Growth Accelerators because we go well-beyond what traditional management consultants do. We dive into your business and guide you through formulating a strategic plan that help you emerge from your peers.
We roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty. We work with you not only to find your emergent path, but to articulate and implement.
Global Impact
While each culture will have variations in legal structures and how marketing messages are received by target markets, we believe the core value drivers of business are universal and timeliness. We rely on local experts to navigate foreign market nuances while augmenting the core organization with value-driven support.
When we view a profitable business primarily as a core building block of society that provides needed products and services to its community, our value growth processes are equally applicable in any country that offers a reasonable protection of property rights.

Our Purpose and Method Videos
What We Do At Emerge Dynamics
Emerge Dynamics Business Value Growth Acceleration and Business Valuation.
Customer Concentration
Customer Concentration increases company specific risk which lowers business M&A valuation. A buyer will pay less or nothing at all
Employee Dependence
If a business it too reliant on a critical employee then the risk of the business to a buyer will increase and therefore M&A valuation will decrease.
Vision, Virtue, and Service
Vision, Virtue, and Service as part of the VERITAS values.
Why are we here? – How do we serve the customer?
An Example of How Qualitative Risk Can Affect The Value Of A Business
Company specific risk impacts business valuation
Why I Do This
Marrying the Head and the Heart in Business
The Most Edifying Part of My Work
My Favorite Project